
[Προσευχές] [bsummary]

Αγιοι Πατερες - Διδασκαλιες

[Άγιοι Πατέρες - Διδασκαλίες] [twocolumns]

Ορθοδοξοι Προορισμοι

[Ορθόδοξοι Προορισμοί] [bleft]


[Ψυχωφελή] [twocolumns]

St. John Chrysostom: For this virtue is the mother of all strictness of life.

Not this or that person, but all who are in anxiety, in sorrows, in sins, Come - not so I may call you to account, but that I may do away your sins. Come - not because I want your honor, but because I want your salvation...

He did not say only, "I will save you,' but what was much more, 'I will place you in all security.'...

If you duly perform His words, the burden will be light...But how are they duly performed? If you have become lowly, and meek and gentle. 

For this virtue is the mother of all strictness of life.

St. John Chrysostom
on Matthew 11
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