St Macarius: As, in the world of sense, it is impossible for any one to comprehend
As, in the world of sense, it is impossible for any one to comprehend in number the plants, or seeds, or various blossoms of the earth, and it is out of the question for any one to measure or understand the entire wealth of the earth; or as in the sea it is impossible for a man to comprehend the living creatures in it, or their number, or their kinds, or their differences, or the measure of its water or the measure of its place; or as in the air it is impossible to know the number of the birds, or their kinds or variety; or as it is impossible to comprehend the greatness of the sky, or the positions of the stars, or their courses; so is it impossible to speak or to recount the wealth of Christians, which is infinite and incomprehensible.
For if these creatures are so infinite and incomprehensible to men, how much more He that created and prepared them!
St Macarius